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Pup n' Me | Lydia & Copper

So, everyone that knows me knows that I am not only a mother to a 5-year-old human, but I am also a HUGE dog mom to 3 pups! Being a dog owner has become so much more than I thought it would be, and I treat them with as much love and care as I do my little human. ♥

My friend Lydia treats her best buddy, Copper, with the same kind of unconditional love. So, when she asked if I could photograph her with her fur baby, how could I say no?! Answer: I couldn't. And we had a blast! Sometimes it felt like I was taking engagement pictures, sometimes it felt like I was photographing a 3-year-old and his momma, but it was amazing none-the-less!

So now I need more pups in my life, and I've decided to team up with local animal shelters to help out the pups & animals who don't get the same love that our fur babies do. Pup n' Me sessions are now available for you and your dog (or other creature) and 1/3 of the profits will be donated directly to animals in need.

So... who wants to have some fun with their doggo while helping one in need? ♥

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